Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm so sorry it's been so long...

... I was all ready to post about the rest of my Christmas break and how my Dad and brother were here visiting me.  In fact I spent about an hour and a half writing a blog entry and uploading all of these amazing photographs of Bangkok, Samui, and Phuket.  Then my blog promptly erased all of that hard work and told me that I have already exceeded the amount of photographs that I can put on my blog in an entire year.  I was pretty pissed, so I said yeah sure Blogger I'll pay you $20 to put unlimited photographs on my blog for a year.  And then Blogger was like well really, you're not in the United States so I am going to refuse your payment.  So I have been trying to figure this all out... I mean, what's more boring than a blog with no pictures?  I have set up a Flickr account and I am slowly putting all of the pictures up there.  I am also going to coordinate with my Dad so that I can pay for the extra pictures and eventually get more on here.  You may have noticed that I caved and went back on Facebook... you'd think that would be a great place for me to post pictures but for whatever reason my computer refuses to let me post pictures from my computer onto Facebook.  For now you're stuck with my boring old words.
                                   I feel like my window of opportunity to rant about my Dad and brother being here has passed... so I'll give you a super short version.  They got here on Christmas Eve and left on January 3rd.  We saw the Grand Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok, which is totally amazing.  We shopped a lot and bought knock-off brand everything... they do it so well over here.  We went to Samui and saw a really great lady boy cabaret.  We also went to Ang Thong National Park and did a bunch of cool stuff. Finally we went to Phuket, where we witnessed crazy ass Patong Beach and then a more quiet, beautiful beach at my cousin Kevin's condo.  It was a great trip.  It was so much harder than I expected when they left.  I cried the whole bus ride home from Suratthani Airport.
                          Since being back from Christmas break I have pretty much been focused on work.  This past weekend I went to Khanom with Janet, John, Mitch, Amy, Jeehon, etc.  I spoiled myself because my birthday is tomorrow and so I got this really nice room with an ocean view.  It was perfect beach weather the whole time and I slept with the windows open... I have never been anything but freezing cold on my birthday so I'm pretty excited to sweat it out on Tuesday.  Classes end on February 25th, and then it is summer vacation!  I can't believe it... I will have all of March and April and half of May off.  My mom is coming for two weeks in March, Liz is coming for two weeks in March, and then the boy is coming for a week in April.  Then in May Anneliese and I are planning on going to Vietnam... so hopefully with the combination of these trips and me getting some photo-capability on here this blog will get more interesting for you soon enough.  Much love.


  1. Jessica: Happy birthday to you. Glad you are getting time off for vacation. David.

  2. WOW. No pics? Sucks for Louie. I read about the lady boy cabaret and I want to tell you that as I read that I remembered I had a dream last night that I went to visit you (but you were in Paris) (I really shoulda emailed you this, but I just thought of it so oh well) anyway, you were in Paris and your sister, i know, you had a sister, she had an apartment that was attached to a lady boy street but you refused to take me there to see the wonder that is lady boys. I may write a play about that.

    You just rejoined Facebook and I just bailed on it. But I can still read about your trip here.

  3. It does suck for me! You know how much words make my brain hurt. I need pictures! Or numbers. If you make your blog posts in equations and formulas, I'd be okay. Oh, and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY in Thai Time!!!!

  4. OMG. It is Happy Thai Birthday. Yay. Happy Birthday. So here is my equation to help Louie.

    B+102 <3 A+212. Yay. Sorry. Super gay but I had to.

  5. There's so much I could say about a place called Phuket...

  6. Will you ask Jeanie to pack me in her suitcase!? PLEASE!! I miss you! I'm sorry that your Philly Friends can't read, but I Like the words so keep writing!! :D
    Miss you love you boo!
