Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Eve at Noonoy School

I spent Christmas Eve day at Noonoy School... here are some photos:
Kru Ying... the owner/director of Noonoy School; impossibly beautiful, classy, and smart.

The kiddies waiting for the Christmas show to begin...

Ha I love that kid with the camera.  He's in 6th grade and his name is Vote... which is pronounced "Wote"

1st year preschoolers... kid in the blue is named GLUR-GLUR (!!!!) and he's so awesome.

Hiiiiiii Glur-Glur

More preschoolers.  Aw.


Kid in the center is named Ikkue.  He's pretty rad.

Aw.  :(  They made the fattest teacher be Santa.  She's so awesome.

Thai teachers dancing for our entertainment

I need that outfit

Gang (how's that for an awesome nick name?), Aom, and Nan

On, Nan, and Gang. 

2nd grade cuties

Hah!  My favorite babies!  2nd year preschool!

Some of the many many presents we gave out throughout the course of the day...

This kid (grade 1) is clearly cooler than you.


this kid looks just like a dinosaur.  or like he's on the show "Dinosaurs"

Spirit House at Noonoy

Prathom (grade) 4

Ah!  This picture is amazing... the only 2 boys in Prathom 5, Mew and Ban.  Photo shoot time!

The 7 girls of Prathom 7... that's right, there are NINE students in my Prathom 5 class.  Amazing.

Awesome Prathom 3 girls.  The one on the right is going to be an astrophysicist or something comparably intelligent.

I love this.  They're the bikes outside of the preschool building.

The lunchroom

The preschool building...

Prathom bulding

Prathom 3 Holiday Party!

Fried chicken and french fries.  

The third world-esque hell hole behind the ritzy Noonoy...

My food gifts from the Prathom 3 party...

Long Live the King


  1. Jessica: Wonderful pictures of the kids. They look a lot better than some former students at Fels. Hope you enjoyed your holidays. When does your school year end or do you have to work through the summer?

  2. The little kiddies are sssoooo freakin cute! Mail me one!! :)

  3. Plenty of pictures for Louie this time around...

  4. The Lil Rad Boy Ikkue looks like a Thai Jack! Haha!! Hope Ed & Joe had a fantastic time and you had a great Christmas / Happy Birthday Joe! Miss you love you booo!

  5. That's what I'm talkin' about. Pictures are way better than words.

    Best pic - the tiny 40-year old man (your dinosaur kid)

  6. Yo the chubby kid Ban is a thug. Look at this face. Okay so the fact that he is sitting on playground equipment detracts somewhat from his thugishness, however the other kids sheep visor is proof that he to is a thug and he don't give a damn what no one says.

    I also find that the "Third-World-esque" photos look nicer just as a result of the palm trees. Perhaps they should look into planting some of them in North Philly. I think it may help.

  7. Jessica: Thank you so very much for the post card. We just received it today. As you probably know the east coast has been hit with a lot of snow. Lukily Philadelphia was not as bad as Boston. We had a very nice holiday and are still trying to figure how and when to get the Fels gang together at our house after having to cancel the 12/26 party because of snow. As a treat to herself Karen just purchased a 2010 Cadillac CTS. We picked it up last night. Hope you got our Christmas card in time for the holidays. David.
