Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Post #1: Date: Tuesday Oct. 12, 2010... Location: Quincy, MA

Today I checked in online for my flight out of JFK.  It leaves on Thursday morning at 10:10 AM.  When I booked this flight in May I got to choose a meal - I now remember being so impressed because there were literally about 8-10 meal types you could choose from, including Kosher, Halal, Gluten-Free, etc.  Since that first impression I had all but forgotten about my meal choice... so today when I got my check-in information, it said: "Meal Type: VOM".  Needless to say I experienced a minute of consternation until I remembered that it means Vegetarian Oriental Meal.  
             Tomorrow I am leaving Quincy for New York, and Thursday I am leaving New York for Hong Kong, where I will arrive on Friday (because I'm now a time traveler, whaaaat) and then fly to Bangkok.  When I get to Bangkok I have to get myself to some hotel that is supposedly near the airport and is called The Cottage or something like that.  I will sleep there on Friday night and then somehow get myself back to the airport on Saturday morning.  I will then fly from Bangkok to Surat Thani, where I will be picked up at the airport by my new boss.  I am pretty terrified about all of that going smoothly since I am totally at the mercy of chance and places, circumstances, and languages that I know nothing about.  
                        I am not bringing a computer with me to Thailand, I am buying a Thai laptop when I get there.  I anticipate not having my own computer until maybe as late as Saturday the 23rd.  I also will not (ever) have internet access in my home.  That being said, this might be the only post for maybe a week or two.  Once I am acclimated I will begin posting on a more regular basis.  
                   I have email, and I will have a Thai home address and a Thai cell phone number.  Once that happens you'll be the first to know.  Thank you to everyone, friends and family, who have lovingly supported me in preparing for this move.  I appreciate your help and kindness and I love you a lot.  I'll miss you guys mighty.  I also have Skype, and I hope you do too.  We can have some Skype dates, it'll be wonderful.  
                          Until we meet again    =)  

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