Friday, October 22, 2010

Some Pictures!

My first Tuk Tuk ride came with a free puppy!

A street at night in Surat Thani

Painting ceramics down by the river at night

From our balcony...

My lovely bedroom...

In our house: his majesty the king and a map of the land of smiles

From our balcony at night...

My computer!

Aw isn't it so purdy

My phone!

TERRIFYING!!!!!!!!!!  This was on our front door.  Me and the boy next door killed the shit out of this thing.

Roomie Anneliese and our two adorable neighbors...

They really love having their picture taken...

A lot!

OMG how cute are they

haaaaa love them


  1. Great pics! I am so amazed that you are really there, this is such a great experience! Can't wait to see you (in just 2 months!), keep the posts coming!

    Love you!


  2. So glad you didn't take pics of the bathroom situation. However the king calendar looks like it came with the house- a mandatory posting....I didnt know they had Megans law in Thailand

  3. I didn't know the pictures got bigger when you clicked on it. The King of Siam is either got a lazy eye or that's his come hither wink. Either way, sexxxxxxxxy

  4. OK I could maybe handle the plumbing issues, but I definitely could NOT handle the spider situation over there!!!!!!!
