Saturday, October 23, 2010

What's this best Saturday ever?!?!

              Yesterday, which for me was Saturday Oct. 23rd, was a most amazing day.  Our Thai manager Wen took us to the beach in Khanom, and then to a fish spa (where the little fishies eat all of the dead skin off of you!) and to a beautiful Buddhist temple on top of a mountain overlooking the ocean... it was all so incredible.  I can't describe it in words, so here are some gorgeous pictures.
This is the beach in Khanom...

OMG doesn't it look like a postcard?  

I got to swim in this water!  Amazing!

This is Wen!  She's great!

MMMM This was shrimp coconut curry!

Clearly it was good....  the iced tea was good too.

The view from where we were sitting.

Aaaaah I never get sick of these pictures!

I made the awesome (and potentially dangerous decision) to take my camera into the water...

Definitely turned out to be an awesome decision!

Anneliese found some majorly cool shells.

roomies Mike and Anneliese in the amazing water.

Wen fearlessly holding a Huuuuuge spider

Fish spa!  I don't know if you can see em...?

Ha!  This picture is amazing... Wen, Anneliese, and Mike gettin their toesies chomped on by some fish!

One of the many beautiful temple buildings...

Annnnd another one...

This might be my favorite picture so far.... from the top of the temple grounds looking down at the ocean.

We're wai-ing!


  1. Beautiful! I am glad you're having fun, getting adjusted, and drinking lots of Fanta! It looks like a truly amazing experience. Keep posting so I can live vicariously. Love you & miss you. -Charsk

  2. Beautiful pics. Love you Jess!

  3. I want some of them fishies!!!!!
    I too love the pic from up high, it is amazing. Kids want to skype with you!!!!
    Joel said to me the other day when we were going down stairs, "Is Jess home!" He was so disappointed when I said you were not back yet :)
    Apparently I need to have a discussion with him about time.
    We LOVE you!!!!!
