Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving in Thailand: Super English by day; Americana feast by night

      Happy Belated Thanksgiving my American family and friends!  I feel very lucky and thankful to have had an amazing Thanksgiving thanks to the adorableness of the kids and the kindness of my co-workers... here's a look at my day on Turkey Day 2010!
Super English!!!

Yay!  Outside of Super!

Hahahaha sweet door decals!

The lobby downstairs... check out the Superman decals.

Wen again!  I guess this is her picture pose.

Teacher's office

My classroom!

Two students from my first class: Nay and Day.  But we like to call Nay the Mullet!!!
Aaaaaah such cute girlies!

lmfao haaaa Nay!

Her name is First!  She is so cute!

Nay and Um watching Tom & Jerry

Day and Nook, class #1

Nook and First


Pleum, Woy (my favoritist), and Boss

Again!  So cute!  And check out Mam-Mos in the background.

Mo-ji and Mint

Burn.... this kid is effin' crazy.  I swear.  Yesterday he took his dirty ass socks off, put them on his hands, and then licked them, eww.

Pleum, and Burn in the background... they are adorable brothers...

OMG... Nicha and Mint... I think this might be one of the top five cutest photos ever taken.

Film... I think this kid's life mission is to drive me crazy.

Ah!  Woy!  My most favorite boy ever... I loooove him.  He is so smart and does everything perfect and for some reason he reminds me so much of my godson Jacob.

Mo-ji... don't let her cuteness trick you.

Janet preparing some Thanksgiving feast food!!!

Brian brought this amazing cake...

Mitch and Juicebox

Fido!  John's dog.

Mittens, brother of Juicebox, kitten of Brittney and Amy

Aw feline brother and sister licking scraps off the floor

Brittney, Anneliese, and Jeehon


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Your first look at how cute Thai kids are!!!

                  So on Saturday we all had to work an English camp at Thida.  Thidamaepra is a Catholic school that we work at.  It is a crazy place; there are 55 kids in each class!  This camp was specifically for the smart kids in the Intensive English Program of grades 1, 2, and 3.  The camp was animal themed… My team was the Tigers!  I forgot my camera, but Mitch was nice enough to let me have some of his photos from that day.  All of these pictures were taken by him.  I am really excited to show you guys a small example of just how freaking adorable these kids are.  I have to bring my camera to school someday soon and get some shots of my adorable kiddies.  This is all I have for now… try and tell me Thai kids aren’t the cutest!

I need to take more pictures... but this is from the atrium in the new Thida building... it's a super nice circular architecture.  So nice.

The kiddies waiting for camp to start...

There were sooo many of them!  This is only like half!

Mitch's team: Team Octopus!  Bad ass octopus, right?

Anneliese's team: The Sharks!

Maybe I was/am way too proud of my poster for my awesome team, the Tigers!

My little Tigers!

So they gave us a free snack (and free breakfast and lunch actually, which was awesome).  These things are so weird, they're just like toast pockets with sugar jelly in them.  I did eat two though.  They're kinda yummy

She is so cute!

Ha, awesome

Yikes, check out those chompers.  An all too common sight.

The huge, really cool atrium!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Only Thai-me for a photo post about this week(end)...

             I will actually write some stuff later this week!  I am having a wicked homesick day!  I miss you all!  I love you lots!  All of these photos were taken in Surat Thani...
This is on my street!  An elephant walking down my street!

It's actually quite sad... clearly they are just paraded around as a source of income... you can buy sugar cane for 20 baht and feed them... this one is clearly walking next to cars, etc. just in the middle of the road.

So there are 7-11s EVERYWHERE!  This is the one at the top of my street. There are four within walking distance of my house.

I come here at least once a day... and so does everyone else!  7-Eleven is making bank in Surat

Soooo this is an advertisement for the Obama pub (apparently)... there are a few of these signs around town.  I wonder if Barry knows about this?

They LOVE love love KFC.  And Pizza Hut too actually.  The Colonel has made it to Thailand.  

Maybe I've mentioned how much these people love corn?  Have I?  Well, they loooooove corn.  KFC sells this corn sundae, which has been an object of interest to me for weeks now.... I bought one.  There are normal corn kernels in the middle there, but then creamed corn on top!  It is totally and completely bogus.  Anneliese accurately described it as tasting like baby throw up.

This is an awesome huuuuuge statue in the middle of town at one of the Buddhist temples.  I need to get a daytime photo of this as well so you can really see how big and amazing it is.

A view of the night market with one of the Buddhist temples in the background...

Even (some of) the street lights in Surat Thani are beautiful!

This is a picture of the market down by the river

It was really crowded last night because of Loy Krathong...

So Loy Krathong is this really cool Buddhist holiday where people are asking for forgiveness and starting over.  Some of them release these floating lanterns into the sky...

.... this guy was having a little trouble getting his to take off...

..... but it was so cool once they did take off; in the sky were dozens and dozens of floating lanterns... like beautiful stars.

These are some of the very special flower floats you can buy to float down the river for Loy Krathong.

This is my flower float!  You are supposed to clip your fingernails and trim your hair, then light the candle and incense and float the whole thing down the river.

So all of us took one of the crazy motorized river canoes out into the middle of the river to release our floats... it was a little frightening but I love how genuinely excited Chris is in this photo!  Amazing.

This was the candle we all used to light our incense and candles...

My Loy Krathong float ready to go!

Awww, my candle went out!  But my incense are still burning!

A view of the town along the river from inside the boat.

It was a pretty great experience.