Monday, November 15, 2010

Even the Thai-res are awesome! Heyooooo

                  So I know that it must be kind of boring that I haven't been traveling anywhere awesome lately and that I've only been posting stuff about work.  This monsoon season is a real bummer man!  Even though the crazy heavy rains seem to be over, it rains at least once every day.  At this very moment it is sunny but I don't expect that to last.  In addition to the weather, real life has begun!  I have a real job that consumes a lot of my time so I will probably not travel until December.  Classes are going pretty well, although it is a little overwhelming to have to do so many different lesson plans!  Who ever thought work would be so much work?! Anyway, there is one piece of news that I find to be incredibly exciting... after being here for a month (omg, a whole month, isn't that crazy?!) I finally bought a bike.  But not just any bike...
Ooooh whaaat?!  That's right!  It's a Hello Kitty bike!  I am so mature!!!

It is called the Hello Kitty Royal.  How amazing is that?

Living in Asia allows me, as a 27+ year old woman, to own this fantastic bicycle.

OMG look.... even the tire treads have Hello Kitty on them!  When I ride my bike I leave Hello Kitty Tracks!  Ha!

Today I was meeting Anneliese at the coffee shop and I used the phrase "I'm riding the Kitty".

So pretty!

Yes this back seat is fully functional.  Anneliese was riding on it yesterday.  I'm sure that would have been a priceless picture!  Two farangs on a Hello Kitty bike!

                         So I am pretty obsessed with my new bike, needless to say.  I think maybe I got the farang discount, because it had one price on the tag, he originally told me one price, and then gave me the bike for 200 baht less than that.  He also included this curious bag for free with it... I am saving it to send to America.  First person to say they want it will get it mailed to their house in time for Christmas...
So it's this biking dude using fart power....?!

But possibly the most amazing part is this bizarre little key ring on which hangs this little green man with his little green penis... WTF?!


  1. My friend who was with the State Department was posted to our embassy in Singapore for three years and he told me you do get used to monsoons. the bike is awesome. Since I am retired I would like to take up bike riding but Karen is afraid to try. I may get her a bike like yours and maybe she will take to riding. Lesson plans are a pain in the neck I agree. David.

  2. Wow that Asian bike dealer truly hooked you up man. Oddly a little Asian boy just came to my desk. Perhaps he sensed I was writing the word Asian. The bag is amazing you are correct. If I could travel with the power of my farts, I could have been to Thailand and back by now. Not a doubt in my mind.

    And the bike, well to say that it is the Royal version is a gross understatement. The pure gold is amazing.

  3. Dave! I think you should get a Hello Kitty bike! I'm sure if you wore a helmet and knee and elbow pads it would be fine! Karen could get a pink Hello Kitty bike and you could go for the royal version like mine! :) And I hope I do get used to the monsoons, I feel lucky that they only last about one or two months around these parts, and they should be over by the middle of December.
    Matthew James: (a) I love your picture. A lot. (B) does that mean you want the bag?!

  4. I think it would be Karen who needs the helmet and pads, I can ride. I told my friend who worked for State Department about the monsoon. He said in Singaore it rains about 330 days a year so don't feel bad.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Truly a bike built for kings...

    U should hook a motor up to it (or eat an assload of pad thai (ps is pad thai just called pad over there) for fart power) and do some sweet jumps in the streets of Surat

  7. Where is the picture of you riding the bike?

  8. Yes! I agree with Charsk. We need to see the Kitty Experience in full effect.

  9. Well I mean if noone's claimed the Fart Bag I could definitely put it to use here in Oaktown!
    Also my boss here is obsessed with Hello Kitty, if you want to send any little trinkets so i can get in good with the Boss Man that'd be pretty sweet! I'm gonna show him your bike, and he's gonna be wicked jealous! Also I'm taking orders for Christmas Cookies at this time soo any requests or should I send you the Quoaktown Special Assortment?

    Also I want a pic of you riding your sweet bike!
