Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monsoon Day! :)

            Normally by this time on a Wednesday I would be arriving at Thida to prepare for my Prathom (grade) 3 classes.  Yesterday and today, however, all Thai schools were closed due to Monsoon!  We had 2 monsoon days!  How crazy is that?!  I guess it's not so crazy, it's just very different for me than having a snow day.  And from about midnight on Monday night until 10:00 AM yesterday it was definitely monsooning.  It was crazy!  It was pouring harder than I have ever seen in rain before, except for during a good ol' New England hurricane.  It seemed like the winds were of hurricane strength as well.  Funny enough, it's not even raining at all right now and it hasn't been since late last night, but they went ahead with the cancellation yesterday.  It's kind of a lot like Philly in that way - Ackerman prematurely calls snow days and then it doesn't even snow; Thida calls monsoon days and then it doesn't even rain!
                         Monday was my first day with Prathom 2 at Thida.  They are soooooo cute!  It's incredible.  There are also about 50 of them in one room, which can produce some truly deafening sound.  Also, I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but I get free lunch at Thida.  And it's good!  On Monday it was this really spicy red curry with green beans and shrimp and white rice.  It was delicious.  And free.  The only price is that you have to clean your own dishes when you are done eating, and I can handle that.  Yesterday was supposed to be my first full day at Noonoy school, where I would have had Prathom 1, 2, 3, 4 and two levels of kindergarten.  Tuesdays are my hardest day and I've yet to experience one!  Next week will be a rude awakening in that sense.  But we do get paid for these monsoon days, so it is awesome in that regard.
                   I did have my Super English class (of 3-6 year olds) last night, and it was the first class I felt really good about.  They are so young and have such different ability levels, and there are 17 of them in a tiny classroom with me!  The boys can be very naughty and the girls can get bored.  But last night was amazing.  Only 4 kids showed up due to the rain, and we had a great class.  We had fun, they were all excited and engaged the whole time, and they learned how to say "This is _____" which is actually a great accomplishment.  I was on top of the world!  I wish only 4 kids would show up every night!  It's true support for the idea of smaller class sizes!  I guess it is just a learning process and I will have to learn over time how to make what happened with 4 kids happen for 17.  But how the hell do I discipline a naughty Thai kid who can't understand words like "Sit down" "Stop" and "Don't do that!"?
                       I miss everyone a lot, and it seems like I have been here much longer than only 2 and a half weeks!  I guess it's the amount of change that makes it feel that way.  At least now I can find my own way to most places, talk the price down (a little!) on a tuk tuk, and say a few words.  I guess if I consider how long it's really been, it's going pretty well in terms of adaptation.  Anyway, thanks to all of you who have been reading and commenting.  To Matt, Andy, and Joe: I miss Fels!  Who would've ever thought I'd say that!  Tell everyone that I said hello!  To Johanna and the Deery boys: I miss you guys so much too.  It breaks my hear that little Joel misses me!  I never would have guessed that!  And I heard from my mom that big Joel wants me to send him a scorpion!  Next time there's one in our living room I'll just airmail it to you guys!  I finally sent a postcard to Jack's class... I mailed it on Monday so it will take at least 7-10 days, maybe even more like 14 to get there.  I don't know if you talk to Mr. Purpura often, but I was thinking that maybe some of the higher level kids at Super English might be interested in some kind of a pen pal exchange, even if it's only one letter from each of the classes?  It might be cool.  To Ancharski: Duh I knew it was you!  It would def have been awkward if it was Conal LOL.  And Arm is a mad adorable 3rd grade girl in one of my classes at Thida.  To Joe and Allie: Porn is indeed a girl, I am sorry to say.  To anyone else who I may have forgot, I am sorry!  Hello!  Much love!  Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxo


  1. Awwww, Baby. We miss you too. I like how you Chasan-ed them down for the tuk tuk ride. Nice. I also like how it said 'Matt, Andy, and Joe". Sup bitches I was first.

    Monsoon day. Sounds kind of fun. In order to discipline a naughty Thai child, I would say speak to Magyar. LMAO.

    MUAH. Love you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Third? Really? I think I should get affirmative action and be first. You ARE in Asia now, it's only right.

    Too bad for Porn. But thank goodness it's only a nickname. It's not like King Kong is gonna grow up and scale the Empire State Building...or is he?

    Jess, keep the awesome pictures coming 'cuz view from Fels ain't pretty.

    P.S. - Downsie, that discipline is only available for female students...

  4. Well as you can tell Louie doesn't have the view that Andy and I have all day when we look outside of our doors (Davis and Snare, respectively). Thats a good view.

    I do agree with Louie that you need to put the Asian first or the whole continent is going to meet up together and vote you off the continent.

  5. Heard you have water and get to takes showers!!!! That is great. What's a little monsoon if you get to shower after :)

  6. Glad to see you are not Malayjusted to your new living environment. Too bad some of the kids are driving you Currizy. Dude that food talk is making me more jealous than anything. You are so awesome, and I am so psyched to see you soonish!
    The real Joe

  7. LMFAO Joe Gallant. I fucking love you. Like 6 weeks til youre here! OMG!!! You should prooooobably eat some meat here. I'm pretty sure theres no factory farming; I'm pretty sure the chicken in my pad kra prau comes from one of the many random stray chickens roaming the ally ways of Surat!

  8. Oh Man I thought "Joseph" was Broseph this whole time Ha! I was thinkin some of the comments we so not Joey G but now it makes sense...I think it should be like Thailand here in that everyone's name means something so that there aren't 75 million Josephs in Thai so called life!
    As for making those kids be quiet you should bring in like 5 pencils or stickers or something and I'm sure you can communicate with them that whoever's quietest / good and listens gets a treat...just remember to rotate goods getters so that you don't crush poor little Porn's heart!

    Also I heard that I can go round trip to Thailand for under a grand in the "Off-season" does this mean now aka monsoon time? I guess rain is better than snow...? which doesn't matter since I don't get it here in Oaktown anyways :D

    Miss you boo!

  9. Oh, and I ran into Mr. Zak at a professional development day from hell the other day and told him about your blog. It's so great I had to share. Hope that's cool lovie!
