Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving in Thailand: Super English by day; Americana feast by night

      Happy Belated Thanksgiving my American family and friends!  I feel very lucky and thankful to have had an amazing Thanksgiving thanks to the adorableness of the kids and the kindness of my co-workers... here's a look at my day on Turkey Day 2010!
Super English!!!

Yay!  Outside of Super!

Hahahaha sweet door decals!

The lobby downstairs... check out the Superman decals.

Wen again!  I guess this is her picture pose.

Teacher's office

My classroom!

Two students from my first class: Nay and Day.  But we like to call Nay the Mullet!!!
Aaaaaah such cute girlies!

lmfao haaaa Nay!

Her name is First!  She is so cute!

Nay and Um watching Tom & Jerry

Day and Nook, class #1

Nook and First


Pleum, Woy (my favoritist), and Boss

Again!  So cute!  And check out Mam-Mos in the background.

Mo-ji and Mint

Burn.... this kid is effin' crazy.  I swear.  Yesterday he took his dirty ass socks off, put them on his hands, and then licked them, eww.

Pleum, and Burn in the background... they are adorable brothers...

OMG... Nicha and Mint... I think this might be one of the top five cutest photos ever taken.

Film... I think this kid's life mission is to drive me crazy.

Ah!  Woy!  My most favorite boy ever... I loooove him.  He is so smart and does everything perfect and for some reason he reminds me so much of my godson Jacob.

Mo-ji... don't let her cuteness trick you.

Janet preparing some Thanksgiving feast food!!!

Brian brought this amazing cake...

Mitch and Juicebox

Fido!  John's dog.

Mittens, brother of Juicebox, kitten of Brittney and Amy

Aw feline brother and sister licking scraps off the floor

Brittney, Anneliese, and Jeehon



  1. Looks like you had a nice Thanksgiving even though you are far from home. We had dinner at home with Karen's mother as a guest. We are going up to New Hope this afternoon to look at Christmas displays. Have a good week end. David.

  2. Day-man...uhaaaaa ,master of the night man...uhhhaaaa master of karate and friendship for everyone....

  3. I like the "No Thai" on the whiteboard as well as the mini version of your chart paper behavior list.

    I'm glad you had a celebration of Turkey Day all the way in Thailand.

  4. I find it humorous that Mo-ji is sitting next TO Mint. Did their parents plan that. I would call her Mojito from now on. Also are Porn and film related? Cause that would be awesome. What is Porn doing nowadays?

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Jess. Miss you a lot. The kids are TDF (to die for)...

  6. SSSooo completely random....I drove by a mini-mart type place today after getting my hair done and they had a keno sign! Made me think of you and Boston....miss you! xoxo
