Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Thai Work Christmas Party... A Liiiitle Bit Different From a Fels Christmas Party.

Monday, Jan. 3rd: I give you, the video of our performance at Thida, lovingly edited and added to YouTube by Anneliese:

Here are some pictures from our Christmas party at Thida...

Janet's famous wink

Anneliese is SO excited to be at Thida at night time!

The really sweet dance that we (and everyone else) had to dance on.

They made this sh*t, amazing.

Many many Thai teachers of Thida.

Kru Plau and Janet... check out Plau's crazy bendy fingers.

Interesting appetizers...

Hmmmm what is that?

Some sweet Thai dance numbers were showcased.

Mitch and Peter

Some more sweet Thai dancing.

So many presents!  They gave us a blanket and cookies and 1,000 Baht.  Merry Christmas!


  1. Is there a Thai version of Patty C there? Or even a Thai Lenny?

    This year's X-mas party was not up to par. PC held himself in check, but Lenny kind of made up for it. Also, I'd like to report that no belts were broken this year.

    Andy will make a comment on the gnarly fingers, I can't come up with one right now.

    We missed you there!

  2. Dude, I don't know what happened to me for a bit there. I need to set up some RSS feed (I have no idea what that means) so I remember to check your blog more often. I think of you all the time, but it never seems to be when I am around a computer... Just when I am lying in bed at night, LOL. I need to catch up on this thing. I miss you terribly and hope you had a great Christmas & New Year. I didn't make it to the Fels party, but that might be a good thing. I don't want to be like the sketchy guy who just keeps coming back. Okay, this is turning more into a deep personal e-mail than a comment. How do I e-mail you anyway?

  3. I love how the tables had Fanta on them. And if I had fingers like that I could pick my nose so amazingly. Im actually kind of jealous.

    OMFG. Could you imagine a Thai Lenny. That would be the best thing ever. I bet he would cause things to become "dimpled".

    Any Charsk, ummmm, are you like a 90 year old person. Have you yet to master the idiosyncrasies of email. I know it can be hard but if my 9 year old niece can do it, I have faith in you. Also, don;t worry. Chasan has already taken on the role of creepy person that keeps coming back.

  4. Ancharski thinks of Jess when lying in bed at night...that's all I have to say ;)

    ..aaaand bedimpled.

    Louie out.

  5. Jessica: A most interesting video. With you tube it will be around for years to remind all what we will do for fun.I destroyed all my college pictures with bell bottoms, tie dye and granny glasses (all before your time). Hope you had a good visit with your family members. We had to cancel our holiday party on Dec 26 because we had a foot of snow. Maybe I can get the Fels group together at a later date. Hope you got our Christmas card. David.

  6. I finally watched the video, and all I can say is....

    I know I speak for all of the dancers parents when I say I am SO PROUD! Years of college tuition money well spent!
