Sunday, December 12, 2010

Love from 9,000 miles away!!!

I am almost crying right now... I got TWO packages today!  TWO!  One is from my mother and the other is from my Dorothy!  I am eating candy corn (yummm) sent by Dorothy... she also sent handisnax, trail mix, magazines, toiletries, socks, etc., and of course a lovely card.  My mother sent me a very similar package, but also with MY STOCKING!  Oh my goodness.  My stocking is right now hanging above my desk here at work... I cannot even put into words how happy I am right now, how blessed I feel right now, how loved I feel right now.  THANK YOU.  Now I feel like it is Christmas time... I was just missing some decoration, some American junk food, and some good old fashioned American love and kindness.  MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANNUKAH, HAPPY KWANZA, HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE!!!!!!  I love you guys!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got two Christmas packages. I know how it feels to receive packages from home at the holidays. Don't know if you are following Boston football and basketball. The Patriots are 11 and 2 and are 2 games up on the Jets. The Celtics are 19 and 4 and are 4 games up on the Knicks. I guess you don't get much American sports in Thailand. Take care of yourself.
