Sunday, December 19, 2010

Some Seriously Random Thai Stuff...

                  Hey Everyone!  Merry almost Christmas!  Last night I cleared the pictures from my camera in anticipation for Friday... when I fly to Bangkok to meet Ed and Joe Gallant!  OMG!  I can't believe this week is already here, that's so crazy.  I have heard that in both Philadelphia and Boston it has been pretty cold.  I can't say that I miss that.  It seems to get hotter every day now that the rainy season is finally dying out.  And man am I grateful for that; now maybe not everything I own will grow mold on it constantly.  So anyway, these pictures are super random and maybe not the most interesting... After the New Year, though, watch out!  I will have many many new pictures, including our Thida dance performance on Thursday night, my Noonoy kids at the Happy New Year party on Friday, and me and the Gallants trompin' around Bangkok, Koh Samui, and Phuket.
                     So first here are some of the very very few pictures that I took on our trip to Koh Samui...
From the ferry to Koh Samui...

Again from the ferry...

the main floor of the ferry...

Tristan, Brian, and Mitch all looking individually hilarious.

The incredible! Kanye teeshirt I bought in Koh Samui... I wonder if Mr. West knows about this?

The absolutely GIANT gecko in our bungalow... biggest one I've seen yet.  He didn't do a very good job of eating all of the god damn mosquitoes!
So now here are some pictures from this past Saturday, December 18th... Peter (my boss) took all of the Super English teachers to this awesome Muay Thai place run by this guy who used to be a prize fighter.
The remnants of the three delicious oranges I ate while this guy was talking to us...

Those old timey photos are from his days as a teenaged prize Muay Thai fighter... the Native American picture and the Sombrero are evidence of his world travel to teach Muay Thai.

The practice mats/bags and the older boys who were drilling the younger ones...

They don't look big but they could kick your ass!


shadow boxing!

old style Muay Thai fighting...

He can kick high as sh*t!

Ah!  Knockout!

Annnnd he's down!

for modern day Muay Thai...

saaweeet butt dude.

Younger kids doing their traditional warm up before fighting...

Anneliese and Janet kicking some ass!!!

Badass chicks

Mitch enjoying Muay Thai very much.

Peter, John, Brittney and Amy

Peter bought us delicious Isan dinner!  This is Mitch, Janet, Amy, and Brittney saying mmm look at that.  In the right hand corner of the photo is Som Tam (spicy papaya salad) yummm.  Those little straw containers are full of sticky rice, also yummm.


Yay Super English! 
Sooo this Thursday, December 23rd, all of the teachers who have classes at Thida (a Catholic school) are required to perform in the Thida Christmas show.  Which means we basically dance around so that Thai people can laugh at us.  We are embracing this, and dancing to "All I want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey, and the boys are dressing up as women, and we girls are dressing up as men.  Last night we had a dress rehearsal at my house, and some of the boys tried on a few of my favorite dresses, which they will be wearing in the show.  Enjoy.
Mike in this really cute black dress with white polka dots that I bought at a second hand store on Karunrat Road...

lmfao!  John in my most favoritist dress ever.

Mike and John lookin' sexaay

Mike looks bummed, but John continued to look happy in that dress...

Yes!  John lost the shorts!  LOL.  Nice stems.

Mitch is SO excited to have this dress on...

.... I think I should just let him keep it.

Amazing.  I will never look at these two dresses, or these two men, the same way again.

Hah!  Cass in a sweet dress/skirt ensemble of Brittney's/


  1. Jessica: Karen and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy yourself in Bangkok. I find the pictures of the guys in dresses interesting but a little disturbing. Of course since I am Scots on my father's side I have no problem with a kilt.

  2. I too find them disturbing, Dave. Especially the one in the red floral dress grabbing his moobies.

    Muay Thai looks amazing! Especially the action shot of the kick to the head. Awesome!

    Have fun with the Gallant boys this weekend! Merry Christmas!

  3. Im disappointed that the shemales are also not carrying smart water...

    I dont understand the external thong in the kick boxing pics.

  4. In response to Andy's comment, all I have to say is that I finally have found where my external thong wearing will be accepted. I have searched so long. Glad I know where to move to.

    Secondly, I am somewhat dissapointed that none of your males friends opted to wear that awesome yellow dress from Neshaminy Mall. The boy in the blue looks like he has the shoulders for it.

  5. Matt, that dress was simply not an option... of the 32 dresses that I own (I counted while I was packing and organizing my life), I only brought 5 with me. Sad, but it was the right choice because everything here gets disgusting. And Andy, do you mean to say that if they were carrying Smart Water they would be dead ringers for me? Ya jerk?!?!?!
