Sunday, December 12, 2010

A weekend in Surat Thani...

     Woooooow!  First of all, I am glad that the Fels Family, and particularly the history department, are so well represented within the comments on this blog.  I effin' miss you guys; you totally rule.  @ Dave Rose: Thanks for all the love!  I am also glad to be having family come and visit me!  And thank you (in advance) for sending a Christmas card, that already makes me really happy and I'm sure will make me extra happy once it gets here... Now, @ Downs, Adams, and Louie.... wooooow.  First of all, I miss you guys and I miss Jeopardy and things like Trivial Pursuit.  I would love to come and play such games with you guys.  Although I don't want to get as drunk as Louie apparently did and like you've all said I am never over eager to visit Manayunk, because it does kind of suck.  Are you guys having a Christmas party this year?  Are you guys going to the Christmas party this year?  If the answer to both of those questions is yes I am so super jealous and sad about that... I will definitely be missing the Fels Holiday Party this year!  Yet I am not missing the weather... it is December 12th and I am wearing a teeshirt and shorts, awesome.
                      So almost everyone went away this weekend, either to the dam or to Koh Phangnan.  I stayed here and had a weekend in Surat Thani... on Friday night I really didn't do anything at all after eating dinner down by the river... I went home and watched some shows and then pretty much fell asleep.  Yesterday I woke up and went to the cow soi place... let me just tell you how cow soi is the most delicious thing ever made... it is a spicy yellow curry soup and it is indescribable because it tastes nothing like and better than anything else ever.  Then I went to this awesome mall type place called Pacific Plaza and bought my brother two really cool real crazy teeshirts for his birthday... which is in less than two weeks zomg!  Then for dinner Mike and I went to my favoritist rice lady and I got my chicken and rice dish, and then we went to the night market, where I bought myself a really awesome teeshirt.  Then we decided to play the basketball shooting game at Coliseum and while we were in there we were like, hey, let's see a movie!  And we ended up seeing this really rad movie about a Samurai in Siam based on historical events of hundreds of years ago and starring this ridiculously sexy Japanese model-turned-Thai-actor named Seki Oseki.  It was in Japanese and Thai but it had English subtitles so I actually understood what was going on the entire time.  The move was badass...  anyway... that's all I got.  Right now I am in a coffee shop but I have this annoying headache that won't go away so I think I will go home now and take a nap.  Miss you guys!!!!!

Based on a true character, the movie tells the story of Yamada Nagamasa, a Japanese warrior who settled in Ayutthaya in the 16th Century and became a soldier in King Naresuan’s army. After the battle with Burma, Ayutthaya remains in a state of unrest after a group of mysterious men stage a campaign of terror and robbery. Yamada investigates and finds that the men are actually rogue Japanese samurai. He then has a score to settle with his own countrymen.
Title: Yamada The Samurai of Ayothaya (ซามูไร อโยธยา)
Director: Nopporn Watin
Starring: Kanokkorn Jaicheun, Seki Oseki, Sorapong Chatree, Thanawut Ketsaro, Winai Khaibutr


  1. Jessica: Thank you for the kind comments. Hope the card arrives soon. we sent it last seek so be on the look out. Sounds like the younger (in comparison with me) members of Fels faculty are having a good time this holiday season. I look forward to seeing Matt and Andy at our party on December 26. Take care and enjoy the good Thai weather. David.

  2. Weather sounds thai-riffic! Enjoy. xo

  3. I never have like Manayunk either. Its like a "I can't get over college" type place. And I feel like people go from Manayunk to Conshy (no offense Andy). Hate both of those places. But it was kind of like me going to a strip club when drunk. I said F-It.

    Yeah the history department is definitely representing. Some may say that's because we don't teach. To those people, I say, come up with your own film based class bitches.

    Anyway....glad you miss us but glad your having fun. Also glad your family is going to be there soon. Im jealous of Ed and Joey.

    Miss you soo much. We are going to send pics soon. I promise to be clothed.


  4. Also, don't discount the Math teachers, or the Asians. They have the power to shutdown your site I am pretty sure.
